Hall Hire Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions for Booking and Use of Rink at Manhattan Works, these must be accepted prior to any booking being confirmed:

  1. Please provide your own First Aider and first aid kit
  2. Socks must be worn with all hire skates
  3. Only clean (Indoor) footwear to be worn on the rink
  4. Football and hockey goals are available and must be returned to original position after use. Do not block fire escapes or walkways.
  5. Turn off all heating and lighting in toilets and changing rooms as well as the  main hall prior to departure, leave changing room doors open to allow air flow, when not in use.
  6. 48 hour notice is required for cancellation of a confirmed booking, of up to 1 hour.
  7. 1 week notice is required to cancel or reduce a confirmed booking,  by  2 hours
  8. 4 week notice is required to cancel or reduce a confirmed booking by 3 hours or more
  9. 1 month notice is required to cancel a block booking, unless with prior arrangement.
  10. All activities undertaken during a booking are done so at the individual users and groups own risk
  11. No food or drinks to be brought in or sold, without prior consent


Rink is managed by Dundee Ducks @Manhattan, (NOT Showcase the Street).  If you have any questions please contact rink.dundeeducks@outlook.com

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